Technical review on digital image/video processing algorithms.


  • Daniel Rodrigues Ferraz Izario Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp
  • Yuzo Iano
  • Bruno Rodrigues Ferraz Izario
  • Diego Arturo Pajuelo Castro


Digital Image/Video Processing; Discrete Cosine Transform; Filters; High-Dynamic Range; Histogram; Java; JavaScript; Lisp; Partial Differential Equation.


This article presents three techniques for applying digital image processing. Unlike conventional techniques, it will be possible to gain in terms of processing time, pixel manipulation, and image quality for database storage. Both techniques have been tested and proven through real images, and can also be applied in video. The algorithms created use JavaScript, Java and Lisp programming languages, combined with mathematical models in the time domain and frequency domain. As an expected result, improvement in digital image processing and performance is sought for future work.


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Author Biography

Daniel Rodrigues Ferraz Izario, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp

Izario, D. Bachelor's at National Institute of Telecommunications/MG, Brazil - Inatel in Computer Engineering (2017), master’s degree student at Computer Engineering from State University of Campinas. He is currently a freelancer in the development and planning of websites for stores and businesses and personal websites. His research interests are digital transmission and image/video/data processing, javascript, facial recognition, discrete cosine transform, data transmission and storage, defense systems and smart cities.




How to Cite

Izario, D. R. F., Iano, Y., Izario, B. R. F., & Castro, D. A. P. (2019). Technical review on digital image/video processing algorithms. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, 4, 6. Retrieved from



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