About the Journal


The SET-IJBE, the SET International Journal of Broadcast Engineering is an open access, peer-reviewed article-at-a-time publication international scientific journal whose objective is to cover knowledge about communications engineering in the field of broadcasting. The SET IJBE seeks the latest and most compelling research articles and state-of-the-art technologies.

ISSN (Print): 2446-9246
ISSN (On-line): 2446-9432

Impact factor: under attribution

On-line version - Once an article is accepted and its final version approved by the Editorial Board, it will be published immediately on-line on a one article-at-a-time basis

Printed version - Once a year, all articles accepted and published on-line over the previous twelve months will be compiled for publication in a printed version.

Current Issue

Vol. 10 (2024)
					View Vol. 10 (2024)
Published: 2025-01-31

Communication, Networking & Broadcasting

General Topics for Engineers (Math, Science & Engineering)

Mobile DTV systems (all aspects, both transmission and reception)

Next-gen broadcast platforms and standards development

View All Issues

## Submissions ##

The SET-IJBE, the SET International Journal of Broadcast Engineering is an open access, peer-reviewed article-at-a-time publication international scientific journal whose objective is to cover knowledge about communications engineering in the field of broadcasting. The SET IJBE seeks the latest and most compelling research articles and state-of-the-art technologies.

ISSN (Print): 2446-9246
ISSN (On-line): 2446-9432

Impact factor: under attribution

On-line version – Once an article is accepted and its final version approved by the Editorial Board, it will be published immediately on-line on a one article-at-a-time basis

Printed version – Once a year, all articles accepted and published on-line over the previous twelve months will be compiled for publication in a printed version.