Broadcast: The historical development of World Broadcasting and its impact reflected in Brazil


  • Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira unicamp

Palabras clave:

Broadcast, Radio, Television, Media, Technology, Infor-mation.


Broadcasting is a method of message transfer to all receivers simultaneously, its services are those that perform the transmission of sounds and images (television) or just sounds (radios) to the general public. The present study was conducted by analyzing scientific papers present in the Scielo platform and main academic research platforms. These works were selected because they meet the criteria of time (2015-2019) and location (Brazil). The data below illustrates the main findings, creating a link between the first steps of world broadcasting and their respective impacts in Brazil.


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Cómo citar

de Oliveira, G. G. (2020). Broadcast: The historical development of World Broadcasting and its impact reflected in Brazil. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, 5, 6. Recuperado a partir de



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