Evaluation of Advanced ISDB-T MODCODs for TV 3.0


  • Ricardo Seriacopi Rabaça Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • George Henrique Maranh˜ ao Garcia de Oliveira Mackenzie Presbyterian University
  • Luciano Neves dos Santos Junior Mackenzie Presbyterian University
  • Cristiano Akamine Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Palabras clave:

TV 3.0, Physical Layer, 4360p (8K UHD), Laboratory tests, MIMO, Advanced ISDB-T


To modernize broadcasting in Brazil, the Brazilian Digital Terrestrial Television System (SBTVD-T) Forum, in cooperation with the Brazilian Ministry of Communications (MCom), created the Television (TV) 3.0 project. The project was divided into three phases and is currently in its final phase, and the laboratory tests related to Physical Layer (PL) have already been completed. Some of the tested requirements were Frequency Reuse-1, use of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas, negative Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (C/N) in Rayleigh channels and reception with an internal antenna. After the conclusion of the subjective video tests, it was decided that a bit rate of at least 7.5 Mbps (for 1080p 60 Hz (Full High Definition (FHD)) with the same quality used in Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial - Version B (ISDB-Tb)) and up to 37.3 Mbps would be necessary for the new system to allow the transmission of Ultra High Definition (UHD) content using the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) codec. Thus, some Modulation and Codings (MODCODs) tested during Phase 3 became temporarily unfeasible in order to achieve the objective of transmitting content with audiovisual quality equal to or better than ISDB-Tb. Therefore, in addition to the results obtained during the Phase 3 laboratory tests, this article presents complementary results from Advanced Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial (ISDB-T) using new configurations allowing the bit rates mentioned above to be achieved. The results of these new MODCODs will be shown in the final version of this paper.


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Cómo citar

Rabaça, R. S., Maranh˜ ao Garcia de Oliveira, G. H., Neves dos Santos Junior, L., & Akamine, C. (2025). Evaluation of Advanced ISDB-T MODCODs for TV 3.0. SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING, 10(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.set.org.br/ijbe/article/view/294



Communication, Networking & Broadcasting